

A film about two families that are faced with a social choice to accept the relationship between their two daughters that they have been hiding for 3 years. Now that the girls are going to college, they want to live their lives in the open, but their parent's beliefs may kill their relationship dreams.

  • PARALLEL - a Jay Horn Film

    Two families with two different religious backgrounds, clash over the reveal of a relationship between their daughters. Amid the troubles of a younger sibling, the families are faced with a decision to support their daughters or uphold their beliefs. Starring Nate Jackson Jr, Efrangeliz Medina, ...


    Two families with two different religious backgrounds, clash over the reveal of a relationship between their daughters. Amid the troubles of a younger sibling, the families are faced with a decision to support their daughters or uphold their beliefs. Starring Nate Jackson Jr, Efrangeliz Medina, ...